Below you can find all the Brother HL-1020 service manuals, repair manuals and owners manual that we have on the site. We do have access to more Brother HL-1020 manuals, if you don't see it on the site click contact us and we will see if we can find it for you.

Brother HL-1020 Parts Reference List
general drawing, main pcb drawing, ac cord / packing material drawing, drive unit, scanner unit, mp sheet feeder, fixing unit, covers, main pcb, panel sensor pcb, power supply pcb, high voltage power supply, ac cord, accessories, packing materials

Brother HL-1020 Printer Drivers

Brother HL-1020 Service Manual
features and specifications, theory of operation, disassembly and reassembly, maintenance and troubleshooting, serial no. descriptions, connection diagram, main pcb circuit diagram, panel sensor pcb circuit diagram, low-voltage power supply pcb circuit diagram, high-voltage power supply pcb circuit diagram, how to know drum unit life & page counter, diameter / circumference of rollers