We are only intrested in service manuals or repair manuals

Please fill the following form
* File To Upload Max file size is 8MB
  Your Name
* Your Email Address
* Manual you need.
* FSM Manual ID

How to upload a service manual in exchange for one you need from the site.

First things first open the manual you have and type the model number into the search box on the FSM site exactly as it is in the manual, if the model comes up it means we all ready have this manual listed and we dont need or want it again, we check every manual that gets uploaded so dont skip this stage if you do then dont blame us when you dont get a reply.

The maximum file size you can upload is 8 mb if the file is larger than this you can split the file in to smaller chunks or send me an email and we will give you an alternative upload route.

1. Click Browse next to the File To Upload box and browse for the file you have to exchange.
2. Put your name in the box
3. Put your email address in the box this must be valid we will send a temp link to the manual you ask for here.
4. Put the name of the manual you need in the box
5. Put the FSM Manual ID in the box it does help us to find the manual you are looking for quickly it can be found on the page where you have seen the manual you need.

Click Send and wait for the file to upload. If we do not have the manual on the site we will send you an email within 24 hours with a temp download link to the manual you need.